All our staff in the UK are volunteers and 100% of what you donate goes towards our work in Bulgaria.

Our Privacy Policy and General Data Protection Regulation Compliance (GDPR) is outlined at the bottom of the page.


Charlotte Healey- Managing Director
Lucy Rosenstein – Non Executive Director
Mark Giulianotti- Trustee
Dimitar Todorov Velikov – Trustee
Branimir Zelenkov – Trustee

Privacy Policy and General Data Protection Regulation Compliance (GDPR)

The only data ZOV holds is email addresses on Campaign Monitor, a forum that we use to send newsletters. There is, and has been for five years, an unsubscribe function for those who don’t want to be contacted anymore. Campaign Monitor has measures to make sure the data is held securely. You can view their GDPR policies and procedures at the following link https://www.campaignmonitor.com/trust/. We will never share the information we have with 3rd parties, without consent. If there is a data breach we will contact Campaign monitor to understand what has happened as they hold the email list, and if contact is made without prior consent or you’re unhappy about the level of contact your data will be immediately removed from the database and a record of the breach will be kept. We will endeavour to inform those whose data has been breached within 72 hours.

From the 25th May 2018, for anyone that expresses an interest in our work and wants to receive further information, we will make sure expressive consent is sort including consent to the timings, content and frequency of all further contact. We will only hold personnel information where consent has been provided. Evidence of consent will be recorded and not passed on to any third parties.

“ZOV believes that we have a shared responsibility to help the deinstitutionalization process but also make sure these residential centers have the resources and the support they need to be effective and to be a different model to that of the orphanage” Katia Zlatkova, Director ZOV BG

Being a mentor is not just helping a child – it is a mission to give someone your time, experience and fun. I feel useful and I have learned so much from my child/mentee. This is most amazing project I have ever participated in!” Maria, Mentor

“I feel so grown up since I became mentor. I feel full of empathy and love giving so many great moments to the child!” Sevda, Mentor